Monday, January 2, 2012

Our New Home

Happy New Year!  I hope each of you had a great Christmas and New Year.  It is going to be a good 2012, and it is starting with a clean, nice apartment...finally.

The process to get here has been pretty difficult.  Here is a quick run-down:

Day one - I took the train to work from my big, pretty, temporary Brooklyn apartment, and Blake left Brooklyn in the moving truck with his brother and two of my cousins.  All day, I was dreaming of my nice apartment and all my things I had been missing for months.  I even left work a few hours early, ran uptown and couldn't wait to go through the door. 

Then... shock and horror.  Imagine 360 square feet (hard to imagine, I know, but Blake is measuring as we speak) with boxes to the ceiling on almost every inch.  We couldn't even walk around, let alone unpack, sit, eat, sleep, talk.  We spent about six hours just taking things out of boxes and making piles.  By the end of the night, we at least had places to sleep.  I was depressed and needed a drink.

On a side note, Blake had a pretty awful time driving the Budget truck around Manhattan.  He might have hit a few things and had a few minor heart-attacks, but no real accidents.  He claims the blizzard-drive through the Grand Canyon was worse (last year's Thanksgiving, as many of you know), but I don't know after hearing the stories.

Days two-six - Each day, a few more things went into closets/under the bed, a few more things went to Goodwill and a few more things (lots) went to the curb.  Sean, Blake's brother, was with us for this time.   Of course, his help through the process was immeasurable, but this place was not made for three people.  I am sure he was ready to get out of here and back to Missouri!!

Days six-this morning - Everything slowly, but surely, looks like normal.  We took the final boxes to Goodwill and put the last furniture at the curb this evening.  I am so happy with how it all turned out, and so excited for all my friends to see the finished product. 

Love you all! I promise now that the apartment is livable, Blake and I will have more fun things to blog about! 

Living room

New desk and the desk!

"Eat-in" kitchen




Living room/office

Living room


Bedroom - I need more artwork on the left

Hall/"eat-in" kitchen

Living room


  1. Looks beautiful! Glad all of that is behind you and looking forward to reading future posts! Do you have anything hung from the ceiling. Maybe you could do your Christmas tree like that next year. I've seen a picture of that before :)

  2. umm - i'm flying you two to Oklahoma. and stat. I've been in my house for 4 months now and its barren! HELP!

  3. So cool Devin! I'm glad you got it put together, I can't even imagine how difficult that was. Can't wait to see it. Hope you can both have some fun now.

  4. Devin I felt the same way when we moved to St. Louis. We went from a small house here in Springfield to a townhouse in St. Louis. When the movers unloaded the truck there was no place to even walk. To top that all off they did not even leave a lightbulb in the whole townhouse. So we had to make a fast trip to the store first. It was dark by the time we got back. We had to just start unpacking and throwing the boxes out the door so we could move around. When I got to the kitchen I was so depressed and crying. There was no room to put anything. Did I mention that small house had lots of storage? The one saving grace at the townhouse was it did have a second bedroom. So when I was reading your post my heart went out to you. It looks like you did a wonderful job, now its time to enjoy the City.
